The Ruralweb group is an informal collection of individuals, some technical and some not, who believe that a better Internet service is desirable.


The villages have a history of activism in seeking to avoid being sidelined in the development of the Internet. Early in the century BT indicated that they had no intention of upgrading the Woodhouse Eaves telephone exchange to provide broadband before, perhaps, 2015 (!). So the Rural-WEB club (WEB originally stood for Woodhouse Eaves [exchange] Broadband) was formed with the aim of providing an alternative. With the aid of East Midlands Development Agency funding a satellite feed was installed and a service distributed by wireless using a self-configuring mesh system designed by Locust World Labs. Co-incidentally (and possibly - or possibly not - in no way connected with this activity) BT decided to upgrade the exchange and provide an ASDL service. The club continued for a while, actually using four telephone feeds (as well as the satellite) at one time, but the decreasing cost of wired broadband led to a decision to close down the original club.

With the agreement of the former club officials, the current activist group established this website - - in support of their activities. An early activity was to raise a petition the results of which were used to promote the case for the area to get SFBB.

Other ruralwebs and rural-webs

One factor in the choice of "Ruralweb" was the availability of suitable Internet domain names. Incidentally, you can reach this site using or without the "www.".

A search engine will lead you to several rural[-]web sites. The former club website was but the domain name was relinquished. There is a seemingly worthy site at and there are others. We have no affiliation to any of them.