Cabinet 1 coverage

(Page last updated 25 May 2016.)

Cabinet live for FTTC since November 2014 but by early 2016 had no spare capacity. Installation of additional equipment is believed to have taken place since.

Cabinets 1 and 1a

Cabinet 1a (for want of an official name) is at the top of Rawlins Close. A new duct - you can see where it goes - links it with the original cabinet 1 near the bus stop, against the allotment wall. These cabinets connect telephone lines and broadband Internet to parts of Woodhouse Eaves and adjacent rural areas. Our estimate of the extent of FTTC coverage and the speeds available if you sign up for FTTC is shown here:

Cabinet 1 expected coverage

Map last revised 29 September 2014 before live for FTTC but seems to be about right EXCEPT that a service at the lower speeds indicated (possibly below 15mbps) may not be offered. Those on the deeper blue and purple sections interested in FTTC should check with one or more ISPs.

Please notify any errors or information on speed offered or received to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk  Note that our mapping is not endorsed by BT or LCC and could contain significant errors. Please see also the speed/distance table and the notes about speeds on the SFBB page.

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Other areas

For information on other areas served by the Woodhouse Eaves telephone exchange click the the home page link below.