Cabinet 3 coverage

(Updated 11 February 2016)

Cabinet 3 is near the Brand. We had been told that this would not be upgraded but we now understand from a planning application that it will be. Availability of SFBB/FTTC from here could be within two or three months, though from dates on the County Council website possibly not until some time in 2017. As with the other original street cabinets (1 and 2) it will be supplemented with a cabinet holding the FTTC equipment. The planning application says the cabinet will be S/O [standing outside] 106 Brand Hill - some way from the existing cabinet.

We expect the upgraded cabinet 3 to provide FTTC to Brand Hill (southeast end, including Swithland Court and The Grange flats), Brand Lane, Rushey Lane, Swithland Camp, Roecliffe Road, Warren Hill and part of Joe Moore's Lane. Swithland village will be served by an entirely new cabinet (no. 6) within the village - see Cabinet 6 coverage.

We anticipate maximum download speeds available to be roughly as indicated here:

Cabinet 3 area expected coverage

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You do need to understand that our predictions are based on what we have gleaned from various sources and are in no way guaranteed. Please see also the speed/distance table and the notes about speeds on the SFBB page. Please notify any errors or more information to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk

For coverage of other areas served by the Woodhouse Eaves exchange please see click the home page link below.