Cabinet 5 coverage

(Page updated 19 January 2016)

Cabinets 4 and 5 intercept telephone lines to which previously went from customers in central and north Woodhouse Eaves straight to the telephone exchange. These new cabinets contain the necessary equipment to provide customers on these lines with SFBB or, for some more distant customers served by cabinet 4, with a lower speed FTTC service. The cabinets were fully operational in September 2015 but an administrative failure led to no orders being taken until November.

We are somewhat puzzled as to why the areas served by these cabinets do not appear logical (compare the map here with Cabinet 4 coverage) but are thankful that by whatever means the whole area appears to be covered.

Our estimate of the extent of FTTC coverage and the speeds which will be available from Cabinet 5 if you sign up for FTTC from it are shown here:

Cabinet 5 expected coverage

Thus all those served from cabinet 5 should get true SFBB speeds.

You are welcome to print or reproduce this map if you acknowledge and include the information text shown. Please read Map licences first.  Note that our mapping is not endorsed by BT or LCC and could contain significant errors. Please notify any errors identified or more information to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk.

See also the speed/distance table and the notes about speeds on the SFBB page.

Other areas

Click the home page link below to find information on other areas served by the Woodhouse Eaves telephone exchange.