Cabinet 6 coverage

(Page created 19 January 2016, updated 28 March 2016)

Cabinet 6 is a new FTTC equipped cabinet in Main Street, Swithland. It will intercept telephone lines running via Cabinet 3 to local telephone customers who will then be able to receive SFBB (or in some cases a somewhat slower service but still much better than previously available). The new cabinet is expected to be in use by May 2016.

(We gather that other customers on Cabinet 3 but not in Swithland village will be getting an FTTC service (though not all at SFBB speeds) from an upgrade at Cabinet 3 - see Cabinet 3 coverage).

We anticipate maximum download speeds available from Cabinet 6 to be roughly as indicated here:

Cabinet 6 area expected coverage

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You do need to understand that our predictions are based on what we have gleaned from various sources and are in no way guaranteed. Please see also the speed/distance table and the notes about speeds on the SFBB page. Please notify any errors or more information to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk

For coverage of other areas served by the Woodhouse Eaves exchange please see click the home page link below.