Exchange cabinet coverage

(Note added 24 April 2015: There is good news for this area and this page is redundant - see Cabinet 4 coverage and Cabinet 5 coverage. The map below still gives a good impression of what can be expected.)

We are not sure but surmise that a new cabinet will be installed to intercept at least some Exchange only lines to make FTTC available to such lines - probably by Summer 2015 from the wording on the County Council's "superfastleicestershire" website. There are concerns as the whether all lines will be covered, and as to timing - see the notes below.

We have looked at the likely speeds which would be delivered in the areas concerned. The results are shown here:

Exchange cabinet possible coverage

Map revised 29 September 2014 following further investigation of cable routes. Please notify any errors to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk

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You do need to understand that this is is a tentative stab at what might happen. A cabinet or cabinets might be placed elsewhere and might only intercept some lines.

For an explanation of the speeds indicated please see also the speed/distance table and the notes about speeds on the SFBB page.

Note on coverage extent

The superfastleicestershire interactive map indicates that premises on Windmill Rise will have FTTC available by Summer 2015. We think the same will apply to Main Street from the Cottage Surgery north - see the notes on Cabinet 1 coverage.  Superfastleicestershire also indicates that Beacon Road and roads north of that will have the service by the same date - but that the fate of Birdhill Road, Tucket Road and Perry Close is undecided. We see no logic in this as it would exclude a significant number of premises, including home based businesses and home workers. Information on Herrick Road seems confused.

See also the pages showing what we expect by way of FTTC coverage from the existing street cabinets - see Cabinet 1 coverage, Cabinet 2 coverage and Cabinet 3 coverage.