Exchange only lines

(Edited 24 April 2015)

Telephone lines which are not connected through a BT street cabinet cannot have FTTC broadband. Sort of logical in a way but because the Woodhouse Eaves exchange has comparatively old technology installed the available broadband speed on such lines is limited to below 8mbps.

Many premises in the centre and to the north of Woodhouse Eaves are connected by such lines. These seem to be those on Main Street from the Cottage Surgery north, Windmill Rise, Tuckett Road, Herrick Road, Perry Close, Birdhill Road, Beacon Road, Brook Lane and those on Forest Road west of Welbeck College. Breakback Road and most of Deans Lane are the same, though the far end of Deans Lane is fed all the way from Cabinet 1.

It is now expected that new cabinets will be installed to intercept most - and hopefully all - of the "exchange only" lines, probably by Summer 2015. However, the County Council's coverage map shows only some parts of the area as to get FTTC by that date.

Likely coverage is shown here: Exchange cabinet coverage.