Update 21 May 2016

Good news

From a report by a local resident and www.dslchecker.bt.com we understand that Swithland village - served by new cabinet 6 - now has FTTC available. Further, it appears that those still connected via Cabinet 3 can also get it. (You may have noticed the recent installation of a new cabinet beside the old cabinet 3, near The Brand.) For the areas we believe affected and our estimate of likely speed available see Cabinet 3 coverage and Cabinet 6 coverage.

Update 23 January 2016 revised 4 February 2016 and 28 March 2016

Cabinet 1 status

It appears that extra capacity has been added and that new FTTC connections are once more available from this cabinet. If you can confirm this, or if you are declined a new connection via this cabinet, please advise us - broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk

Cabinet 6 status

Checks of some telephone lines in Swithland show that they now connect via this new cabinet, but FTTC is not yet available from it.  


Note that www.dslchecker.bt.com sometimes now mentions "WBC SOGEA". This is technology to provide a "broad band only" circuit - no phone. So far as we know it will not be available here at least until trials elsewhere are complete.

Update 19 January 2016

Cabinet 1 full

Broadband availability checks for the area served by Cabinet 1 show a waiting list. The FTTC cabinet is full, though we understand that an expansion is planned - time scale unknown. Broadly, the area affected is from the Village Hall to Nan Hill and from St Paul's School to beyond the top of Maplewell Road - see Cabinet 1 coverage.

Swithland prospects

In short, Swithland villagers should have SFBB before summer 2016. See Cabinet 6 coverage.

Approved Charnwood Planning Application P/15/1996/2 is for "Installation of 1 DSLAM equipment cabinet (PCP006)" outside 96 Main Street Swithland Loughborough LE12 8TH (Easting 456324 Northing 313255). "PCP" means a BT Primary Connection Point (PCP) - one or more adjacent green street cabinets. "DSLAM" refers to the equipment needed to provide SFBB via FTTC technology.

Brand area, Rushy Field, Roecliffe Road, Warren Hill

These areas depend on Cabinet 3 (aka PCP3) near the Brand junction. The LCC map now indicates FTTC availability between Summer 2016 and December 2017. However it may be earlier. Read on.

Approved Charnwood Planning Application P/15/2462/2 is for "Installation of 1xDSLAM equipment cabinet S/O 106 Brand Hill (PCP003) Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8SS - Easting 453665 Northing 313486". "PCP" means a BT Primary Connection Point - one or more adjacent green street cabinets. "DSLAM" refers to the equipment needed to provide SFBB via FTTC technology. Some folk have noticed new fibre cables being installed betwenn PCP3 and the telephone exchange near the Bulls Head, so the new cabinet itself and then SFBB may not be too far off. See Cabinet 3 coverage.

Share what you know

Please send details of any works you observe or related information you glean to broadband at ruralweb dot org dot uk

For previous two items see November 2015 updates