Predictions by BT

If we are  to believe [we don't] what BT's "Where and When" page says (at 30 August 2014) then we should nearly all be able to get superfast broadband early in 2015. Put in your own post code and see what you think. However, this BT site is "Beta" (still being tested) and seems to be much more optimistic about the speed of development than other information had led us to expect. It is suspected that somehow it has been assumed that an upgrade to the exchange means that all lines will get access to FTTC. This is not the case - the street cabinet used must also be supplemented by an FTTC cabinet. And the telephone line must go through a cabinet!

BT's "Where and when" page mentioned above seems to be based on more detailed information which you can find by going to this website. This is particularly useful if the BT result is inconclusive. Click on "Postcode to PCP" and put in your post code for more detailed BT information.

This is the result for Mill Road:

     Post Code: LE12 8RD
Status: Accepting Orders or Accepting Orders
Forecast Date: December 2014 or December 2014

It appears that the second (PCP) line indicates the connection. "{E_2}" = exchange only, perhaps via duct 2 but in any case no street cabinet used. "{P1}" = via cabinet 1. (Old Woodhouse post codes show {P2} and Swithland {P3}.)

So presumably Mill Road has some exchange only lines (fed via Birdhill Road) and some on cabinet 1 (fed via Maplewell Road) but both should have SFBB available at about the same time - with the caveat that we don't actually believe the exchange only lines will be upgraded (by the provision of a new cabinet) yet.

You may have noticed that the above extract says "accepting orders" (as does Rawlins Close) but don't believe it - or check with your ISP.
