Superfast broadband update 30 September 2014

For earlier news and speculation please see the Summer 2013 report, March 2014 update and August 2014 update.

Three views of the future?

All information about the roll out of "superfast broadband" (SFBB) over BT's "fibre to the cabinet" (FTTC) technology is somewhat tentative, but things do seem to becoming clearer. You may wish to look at

  • Predictions by BT - actually those of BT's Openreach division that looks after the exchange, wires etc. and charges BT retail and other Internet Service Providers who "add value" and then charge you.
  • Predictions by LCC - The County Council has a let a contract to BT to improve broadband coverage where BT deem such enhancements uneconomical.
  • The Ruralweb view of what may happen, based mainly on the above combined with our own surveys of BT infrastructure and reports by observant locals. As the telephone wire infrastructure used to carry broadband is based (locally) on four key locations, we have prepared a page about each:
  1. Cabinet 1 coverage deals with the south of Woodhouse Eaves and quite a wide area to the west.
  2. Cabinet 2 coverage deals with "Old" Woodhouse and its surroundings.
  3. Cabinet 3 coverage deals with the Brand and Roecliffe areas and Swithland.
  4. Exchange cabinet coverage (somewhat more speculative) deals with the centre and north of Woodhouse Eaves and up to Deans Lane.
     For an overall picture, view or download this composite map. (Updated 13 October 2014 but now OUT OF DATE.)