Notes on the speed test

The main reason for providing the test is to develop an understanding of broadband performance in the "0150989xxxx" area with a view to seeking improvements. For this reason your current IP address will be recorded and the likely name of your ISP deduced from it. These, with the date and time of each test and your postcode (if you provide it), may be seen by others, though you will not be personally identified.

If you are not in this area you are welcome to use the speed test, but you could follow the link below the test button instead.

Before you start a test it is best to close any other computers using your Internet connection and to stop any programs (such as an email client) which might access the Internet during the test. Even if you do, be aware that background processes such as operating system updates may kick in and degrade the results.

To carry on, return to the Broadband speed test page.